Kamus Pro: No ads. Ever.
We hate ads too. Hate them to the bones (figure of speech, ads have no bones, obviously). But it’s a necessary evil to help maintain the development of Kamus Pro.
And we’d really like to keep it going. So, we have come up with an additional offer after hearing all your feedback. No ads forever, for a one-time fee of RM29.90 only. For existing subscribers upgrading only costs RM19.90.
With lifetime ad-free access, you can enjoy all the benefits of Kamus Pro without any distractions. You’ll be able to learn new words and phrases, practice your pronunciation, and get translations quickly and easily, all without having to watch a single ad.
Buy us a meal. As a company that focuses on Malaysian languages, we serve a very niche group of users. We really need your support to continue improving Kamus Pro so that we can help even more people learn our languages.
This special deal is experimental. We can’t offer this deal forever. It’s only available for a limited time, so don’t miss out!
Thank you for your support!