There’s no reason not to. Kamus Pro now runs on your smartphone. You can take Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat, Kamus Inggeris Melayu Dewan and other dictionaries with you, wherever you go. The Daftar Istilah contains more than 100,000 entries of technical terms in Bahasa Melayu and English.
With more than 500,000 downloads, this is the best dictionary app you can get!

Feature Packed
Best Dictionaries
Including Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat, Kamus Inggeris Melayu, Malay-Chinese dictionary, and more!
Smart Suggestion
Not sure how a word is spelled? Just try spelling it, and Kamus Pro can suggest the closest match.
Word of the Day
Shows a rare word every day. Guarantees that you can learn something new any time!
History of References
Easily look up words that you have checked before. Never lose track of what you’ve already learned.